Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Specific Endurance Phase

Week 16-19/21

Specific Endurance 4-6 weeks 
Volume runs, specific pace and race pace running.

Training week:  optional I like to run two speed workouts (Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday); Racing week:  three recovery runs before the race: Wednesday  recovery run 60 minutes; Thursday recovery run 40 minutes; and Friday rest or recovery run 20 minutes; Race on Saturday.  Run one hour or 4-5 miles on Sunday easy recovery run after a race.

Week 20 or 22
Final Preparation 2 - 3 weeks
Reduce weekly volume by 20%
Work on specific pace and race pace running

Week 21 or 23
Reduce weekly volume by 30%
Work on specific pace and race pace running.

Week 22 or 24
Reduce weekly volume by 60%
Work on specific pace and race pace running.

Week 23-24 or 25-26
Active Rest Schedule

Rest for 2 days (Rest means no training)
Run 1 day for 32 minutes
Rest for 2 days (Rest means no training)
Run 1 day for 32 minutes
Rest for 2 days (Rest means no training)
Run for 3 days  (32, 40, 48 minute runs)
Rest for 2 days (Rest means no training)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Strength Phase (Running Hills & Weight Training)

Week 11-14
Strength Phase 4 weeks
After the aerobic period, you begin with the strength phase, this is the time to continue hitting the weights and incorporate tempo cross country runs, hill training and repetition running it is the best way to improve running economy, it builds up running specific strength and hill training is great for uplifting lactate threshold. 

In the strength phase run 100% of the volume miles per week, focus on long runs in the hills, and recovery runs.

During the Strength Phase start repetition running at 80-82% with 3-5 minute recovery intervals. Progress throughout the season in intensity level.  If you don't meet the times in the speed workouts, you could spend several weeks even an month(s) at the percentage level, repeat the same pace until you meet the times in the speed workout. A 4:00 minute miler starts at 80% running repeats miles at 5:00.  A 4:24 miler starts at 80% running repeats miles at 5:30.  A 5:00 miler starts at 80% running repeat miles at 6:15.  A 5:24 miler starts at 80% running repeats miles at 6:45.  After meeting the pace time goal then progress to 82%, 85%, 88%, 91-92%. Your goal is to reach 92% of your intensity level.
Warm-up routine on speed workout(s) or race day(s):
12 minute easy run
400 meter jog
6-8 x (60-80 meters) 100 meters work-up to race pace (one minute cycle)
400 meter jog
Speed workout/Race
cool down - 7 minute jog (bare footed on the grass).

After the Strength Phase (4 weeks) insert rest.
Week 15 
Rest for two days, day three run for 32 minutes and day four and five rest for two days.

Resume training (Week 16)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Building a Base

Before you start running, all training starts with building a base.  The goal to building a base is running lots of miles and lots of long runs.  You need to focus in setting new challenging realistic goals and map out a new training schedule.  Decide how many days a week you are going to train.  Decide how many miles per week and how many weeks to the final race.  Decide which distance race in which you are going to train and race.

When after your last season is over, take 2 to 3 weeks active rest or run every other day and start training again and set goals for your next season. Rest is a force, only you know when and how long to rest, decide how many weeks.

If you haven't competed for a while, start out with a few miles each day, 6 to 18 miles per week, after a few weeks, increase 1 mile each day (the schedule below). The schedule below is a minimum of 8 weeks on building a base.  

Week 1-3: running 1-2-3 miles each day for 3 weeks.
Week 4: running 4 miles each day. 50% of the volume. Long run 5 miles.
Week 5: running 5 miles each day.  Long run 6-7 miles.
Week 6: running 6 miles each day.  Long run 7-8 miles.
Week 7: running 7 miles each day.  Long run 8-9 miles.
Week 8: running 8 miles each day.  Long run 10-12 plus miles.

A six week program starts off with 50% of the volume; one-third week with 50% of your goal volume.  Each week progress as indicated below until you are at 100% of the volume.  A six week program starts off with 50% of the volume.  In the aerobic period do not attempt speed workouts, or races.
Aerobic Period (5-7 weeks)
3rd week 50% of the volume.
4th week 62.5% of the volume.
5th week 75% of the volume.
6th week 87.5% of the volume.
7th week 100% of the volume.

During the building a base (aerobic period) incorporate the weight room two to four times a week. You can incorporate continuous running in the hills after the sixth week 1-2 days per week. 

Following the schedule from above from week 4 to week 8 after the endurance run introduce the one minute cycle.  

One minute cycle: striding for 30 seconds, resting for 30 seconds (let the watch run continuous for 6-9 minutes) every minute start running again. Alternate each week 3-4 days per week running one minute cycles. 

One minute cycle, week 4 start with 6 minutes per day; the next week run 7 minutes, the next following week run 8 minutes until you complete the Aerobic Period. The one minute cycle is introducing you to learning to run faster. 

Getting in quality work, and regular rest will enable you to train at a higher level. No training system can guarantee you will perform well.  Resting at the appropriate times allows your body to recover, rebuild, and become stronger.

The schedules from above is an aerobic period of 5 - 7 - 8 weeks, it's a developmental plan. I'm recommending 8 weeks. An athlete at the intermediate or elite level would build a base in 8 - 10 weeks.  Towards the end of the aerobic period add transitional workouts: tempo runs or hill repeats, preparing for the faster work ahead.  Whatever level developmental or an elite athlete you still need to insert rest after a training phase to prevent injuries.

Week 10th: 13 days active-rest schedule

Definition of "rest" means no training.

Rest for 2 days 
Run 1 day for 32 minutes (running 3-4 miles)
Rest for 2 days
Run 1 day for 32 minutes (running 3-4 miles)
Rest for 2 days
Run for 3 days  (32, 40, 48 minute runs)
Rest for 2 days

After week 9 and 10 resume training to the Strength Phase 4 weeks (week 12-15).